I had another great week this past week. We had two zone conferences (half the
mission on Wednesday and the other half the mission on Thursday). They were both great! It
is always great to all get together and to see everyone in the mission. The
training we received from President and Sister Souza and the Assistants was
really great too. There is such an awesome spirit when there are so many missionaries
all together in one place. Tuesday night we had quite the emergency in the office,
we found out that the chapel we were going to use the next day for zone
conference was unusable because of some repairs that were taking place. We had
an emergency meeting with President and the Mission Staff to figure out our
options and what needed to be done. So that night was pretty hectic as we
decided to move it to another chapel and then had to call all the missionaries
to inform them of the last minute change and then of course I had many
missionaries calling me asking what bus they needed to use to get there. It was
quite a hectic last minute change but ended up going really smoothly.
the conference it was great to see the missionaries from my MTC district and
from my past districts and zones here in Fortaleza. It was great to see Elder
Allen - he and his companion stayed the night in our house because his
companion had a doctor's appointment the next day here in Aldeota and they live
way outside of Fortaleza in a city called Canindé. That night we also had 4
more Elders stay at our house because they missed their bus to return to
Itapipoca (another city way outside Fortaleza). So that night we had 10 Elders
in one house which was quite eventful and rarely never happens except during
This week at the
church we had a great ward activity where they had spiritual thought about how
Jesus Christ is the bread of life and then they taught us and showed us how to
make homemade bread. It was fun and it was great to see Angelica there and
Bruno both actively participating in the activity. It makes me so happy to see
the change the gospel has brought in both of their lives and how happy they are
to be members of the church and enjoy the blessings of the gospel. Angelica
continues to prepare to serve a mission and it is great to see the excitement
she has for missionary work.
We had Family Home
Evening at the Bishop´s house with one of our investigators (Maria, mother of
the Bishop´s wife). Angelica and another family from the ward were there, too.
We had a great lesson on the gospel of Jesus Christ and the simplicity of
faith, repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. I bore my
testimony of the importance of baptism and told about the day I was baptized by
my Dad in the same chapel in Montana where he was baptized.
We also had a great
visit with Michele and her family and a member family. We continue to help her
understand the importance of family being a central part of the gospel of Jesus
Christ and we are hoping to visit her husband this week, who in the past has
not wanted us to visit. But after some teaching by Elder Allen (he taught with
us that night!), she said she would talk with him and we are hoping we´ll be
able to visit Michele, her husband, and their two daughters this week.
We also got a new Ward
Mission Leader this past week and had our first meeting with him. He is great
and we are excited to work with him. We are really trying to work more with
members. I watched part of the Work of Salvation broadcast from June on LDS.org
yesterday and it really reminded me about how important members of the church
are in this great work. Every member a missionary!
We also had Stake
Conference this weekend which was great. President and Sister Souza spoke in
both the Saturday night session and Sunday session and there was such a focus on
missionary work in both of the meetings. Every talk had to do with missionary
work and how we can all better work together to help the Lord hasten the work.
I am excited and feel so lucky to be a part of this great work here with such
great people in Fortaleza!
That´s it for me this
week. I hope all is going well for each one of you back home. Have another
great week!
Until next week.
Com Amor,
Elder Helvey
Lucas and me at Family Home Evening at the Bishop´s house. I loved his BYU shirt!
Lucas is a ward missionary and loves visiting and teaching people with us.
This was last P-day. Elder Muniz and Elder Vallo prepared a nice lunch for all of us and we all sat on our balcony. It was a relaxing P-day and it was great to finally have a P-day where after lunch
we didn´t have to do anything.
This is a picture taken at the ward activity
of all the missionaries in Aldeota (8 in our ward!), Angelica (baptized on
Christmas Day), Bruno (baptized December 1), and Lucas (member, Bishop´s son).
Elder Allen was
helping me with something real fast in the office and he sat down at my desk
(his old desk) and I started to sing "he´s back, he´s back" to the
music of Michael Jackson´s song "Bad".
It was a great moment! haha
Elder Shelton (my MTC
companion) and me at Zone Conference this week!
It was great to see him and
spend a little time with him.
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